Anything You Want

Business is about making customer dream's come true (and yours).

This book couldn't have come at a better time. I'm at the crossroad to decide; what next?

Derek explains 40 lessons of his failures and success. Here's a few that knocked me some sense.

The MBAs would go for profit, return year on year and that sort. – Ok, nothing wrong with that. But true money and growth come from realizing people's dreams. Derek helps musicians to sell their music on CDbaby, which is what every musician fail to do.

Enjoy the Process. – It's not always about getting the result (means), it's about being in the flow. Sometimes it takes a while to fully utilize your potential. Stick with what you like, and do it.

Be Funny & Dorky – Be personal with customers, you don't have to stick to a template way of doing things. More importantly, be fun.

Anything You Want 1

Delegate not Abdicate – This was probably the hardest lesson in the book. Hire people to do the job. Don't let go 100% up to them. People are inherently selfish, so be mindful when giving power. Their decisions must be aligned to the company's philosophy, not making their lives easier.

What do you want? – Decide truly why you started a business, not because it's imposed on you. Like ...

  • Have huge profit vs enough profit
  • Be famous vs be secretive
  • Suits and tie vs tshirt and jeans.

You decide where you want to go.

If you're starting out, read this book.

A share would be, Sublime.

The Lean Startup

Kapow 9/10


Kapow 9.5/10
Malaysia Website Awards