Brand Buzz

3 Simple Things for Brand – Story Telling, Club Building, Country Making.

This book is short, like 30 minutes short.

Though it may sound obvious, it jammed packed in values.

Story Telling

A brand must tell a story that captivates and is honest. Without a story, any brand-building effort falls flat.

Stories should be simple and easy to tell. It must also be consumer-centric.

However, creating a story around a brand is difficult. But we can simplify that.

The easiest way to tell a story is to tell why you exist, what world problem are you solving and why your brand matters.

Club Building

Focused from the customer's point of view.

Why do they buy your product?

Let them feel belong to the brand. Dunkin Donuts made it clear that it was a brand for everyone, dentists, nurses, contractors, students.

They made it clear in their branding and wall decor.

Country Building

Finally, building all the cultures together.

Your own song, dance, colours, language, tone, style everything.

While the author gave some other examples, my best example would be IKEA.

Almost every book nerd knows what 'Billy' is. It's a bookshelf, given a simple name so everyone can use it.

I even tell my kids to go find their books at Billy!

Google does it too. Go "Google" it.

While most of us are far from being a billion-dollar company, we can still do it. Focus on the tiny interaction with customers.

A share would be, Sublime.

The Lean Startup

Kapow 9/10


Kapow 9.5/10
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