To Sell is Human

The Old ABC of Sales "Always Be Closing" is no longer true.

I don't find the writing pleasing to read. It's long-winded. Long sentences to explain a simple point. He also introduces his own term like Non-Sale Selling.

Fuller brush salesman used to be well known for their ability to sell door-to-door. The job is now close to extinction. Not many do door to door. This was how people did sales.

1/9 people is in direct selling

8/9 people are in non-sale selling (indirect sales)

He introduced the new ABC of Sales, Affluent Buoyancy Clarity. The old one was Always Be Closing.


In Affluent, learn to read the surroundings. Read the air.

Direct sales get shut to their face on a daily basis. Nothing out of the ordinary because people don't buy now. They need time to process and digest.

Instead, try to read the air.

Are they in the mood to be listening to our sales pitch?

Do they have a problem they need to solve?

Can I help them solve it?

Most salesman gets rejected walks home with tail between their leg. They could accept defeat. They couldn't bring home the order. They forgot one important thing.

Not everyone is worth closing.

Selling has its time and place.


Buoyancy is staying afloat. Don’t give up on the first try, keep at it again.

"Stuck a foot on the door".

As long as there's value to be delivered, there's always going to buyers. So stick around. Don't easily whimper and run away.

Another way to put it is to persevere. Stick around for a while.


Finally clarity.

Be clear about your offer.

I guess that's it. I couldn't learn much from the book, it was just too boring with referential that I couldn't understand.

Perhaps I should take another peek at it.

A share would be, Sublime.

The Lean Startup

Kapow 9/10


Kapow 9.5/10
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