"If you can't fix it with duct tape, then you ain't using enough duct tape"
"Anything can be fixed with duct tape"
The duct tape strategy is using what you have now to get by.
A few years back at a swimming pool, I overheard the conversation, the float is losing air. But it's ok, they can fix it with duct tape. So they did and off the kid went into the deeper side of the pool.
Slowly, yet surely, the float was losing air and the kid starts panicking. So were the parents and family.
Newsflash, no one (from the family) knew how to swim!
Luckily there were other adults close by, he carried the kid to the side of the pool. Everyone was relieved.
Most businesses operate through a Duct-Tape strategy. It's a strategy used to prolong a short-term outcome. It's ok to get by, in long term, it'll do more harm than good.
My rule of using Duct-Tape strategy.
And if I can avoid it altogether, I will.
The best way to defeat a duct-tape strategy is to play out the plan in advance. What happens when it doesn't work. What's at risk here? Can we do it better?
Often times we get caught up with the Law of Diminishing Return, 'something is better than nothing'. While this may be the case, revisit when you have the time. Don't let it be a long-term strategy.
Similarly, most businesses choose to have a website, because they just need a website. They have no idea what to do with it. A good website works as a salesman. Continuously persuading people to use your service and buy your product.
Don't gamble your future. Think ahead.