Hi, I'm Edwin

Marketing + Design Consultant

I help companies build modern, inclusive Web user interfaces and design systems, with a strong focus on simple design, performance, and marketability.

Wed, 09 Oct 2024

Choosing the Ideal CRM for B2B and Large Corporation

CRM – Short for Customer Relationship Management is a tool to help you manage your prospect, clients and deals, all […]

Mon, 08 Jan 2024

How to Read a Book

Reading How to Read Have you ever read a book and realised you didn’t learn much from the book? Was […]

Tue, 07 Feb 2023

What's the Difference Between UI and UX Designers?

Focuses on Problems. UX designers take all relevant context as input such as customer pain point, technology literacy, and livelihood […]

Tue, 07 Feb 2023

Revamping Website? 3 Tips Before You Start Seeking Out Agencies to Help You Build Your New Website

There are more than 200 million active website. How do you command and keep attention of your visitors that turns […]

Tue, 07 Feb 2023

How Do I Make Cool-Looking Corporate Website? – You Don't

"I want to WOW my visitors""I want it POP out my screen""I want it scream CREATIVE" If your website direction […]

Tue, 07 Feb 2023

Keep Clapping Until It's Your Turn

While friends and family are winning awards, upgrading cars, getting higher positions, gaining more power, making more money, having more […]

Tue, 07 Feb 2023

5C of Company Management

Managing Company with Simple 5C's Managing chaos is difficult without the proper tools in place. Most management tools sit on […]

Mon, 18 Jul 2022

How To Manipulate People

How does a scam work?How do politicians stay in power? Whatever your reasons are, I hope it's for the better. […]

Fri, 10 Jun 2022

Go Slow To Go Fast.

I spent last week at Langkawi. I realised one thing. While the people in the city move very impatiently, the […]

Wed, 25 May 2022

The Enemy of Marketing

Every hero's journey must go through an antagonist (enemy). An enemy is sometimes a person, a situation, a challenge, or […]

Fri, 25 Mar 2022

Website Mobile Friendliness

Most web designers start designing websites desktop first, mobile second. Times has changed, here's how to adapt. This was originally […]

Thu, 24 Mar 2022

Winning Awards, Should You?

Are awards rigged, and why do we care so much about it? Why do we give attention? How to win […]

Tue, 22 Mar 2022

What to Work On

Often we're presented with an option, to work on A or B. Here's how I make the decision. When Benjamin […]

Mon, 21 Mar 2022

How To Overcome Impostor Syndrome

As with any challenge in life, the only way to survive it, is to go through it. I remembered my […]

Fri, 18 Mar 2022

How to Be an Expert

This is not a scam and I'm not teaching you to be one. The sole purpose of becoming an expert […]

Fri, 18 Mar 2022

How to Write Winning Proposals

I've written more than 1000 proposals since I graduated in 2004. Here's what I learned. It starts with Mindset It's […]

Mon, 07 Mar 2022

Understanding What Customer Value

To understand what 'value' is to the customer, we must first understand 2 other things, want and needs. What are […]

Mon, 07 Mar 2022

How To Sell a Service

Product or Service? It's the same thing. Or is it? The biggest difference in both are; Product Service Tangile - […]

Wed, 23 Feb 2022

Too Many Good Books, Too Little Time.

Overcoming Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is probably the hardest thing you need to do. Everywhere we turn, there'll be […]

Mon, 07 Feb 2022

We Need to Stop Random Act of Marketing.

A few weeks back I held a workshop for 101s. The main theme behind it was 'Building Marketing Asset'. The […]

Thu, 03 Feb 2022

Duct Tape Strategy...

"If you can't fix it with duct tape, then you ain't using enough duct tape" "Anything can be fixed with […]

Tue, 18 Jan 2022

Dear CEOs, Please Invest in Design.

Last weekend I hung out with a few Digital Marketers. People who do media buying, up to RM 10k per […]

Wed, 05 Jan 2022

Why You Should Bet On SEO in 2022.

TLDR: SEO in 2022 will be exciting as many businesses are geared online to adopt the new behaviour post Covid-19. […]

Sat, 01 Jan 2022

Bye 2021, Hi 2022

Not a big fan of new year. A huge fan of new week but a recap is due. 2021 was […]

Thu, 23 Dec 2021

Why You Shouldn't Be Reading 'Tips'.

"How-to" and "Tips" are great to get started. I've got bad news, it's filled with bad advice especially when you're […]

Mon, 13 Dec 2021

Why Twitter Blow Up Is Not Always Cool.

The other day I wrote, 'how to beat Monday Blues'. I wrote it leisurely while nursing my bruised shin. I […]

Tue, 30 Nov 2021

Making New Products

Products is product or service. New ideas - We are bombarded with new ideas all the time. But is it […]

Mon, 29 Nov 2021

How to Ask the Right Question

Don't we all know how to ask questions? Just ask! - Wrong Here's why it's wrong. There are no Dumb […]

Fri, 26 Nov 2021

Strategy vs Planning

We often confuse the two, strategy vs planning. Many use these two terms interchangeably, which is wrong because to different […]

Thu, 25 Nov 2021

Content Creation: We're Doing it Wrong

Write a bunch of content. Schedule it. Publish it. Tada~ Next thing we know, nobody ever consumes it. What a […]

Wed, 24 Nov 2021

How to Improve Your Story Telling using 5C

Storytelling, story selling, soft selling, whatever you want to call it. Let's get to the bottom of it. In short, […]

Mon, 22 Nov 2021

Problems in Marketing: Solve These First

Marketing is a whole set of divisions by itself. It's very big. After indulging myself with the hall of fame […]

Thu, 18 Nov 2021

Fundamental of Marketing

It's always easy to go nuts, spam people, launch big campaigns, produce more and more content. Most of us are […]

Thu, 18 Nov 2021

How to Qualify Prospects

As a service provider, the first thing you need to do is qualify the people who deserve to be serviced. […]

Wed, 17 Nov 2021

Start With Problem, Define It.

When I consult people on their business, oftentimes, I am not clear with what needs solving. Sometimes we downplay the […]

Tue, 31 Dec 2019

Runcloud Force SSL TLS HTTP to HTTPS

Any new app on runcloud uses a combination of Apache and NGINX, don't ask me how I know this, it […]

Tue, 17 Dec 2019

Finding Your Target Audience.

Finding Your Target Audience. It's not easy - It's also not that difficult.It's not simple - It's also not complicated. […]

Sat, 20 Jul 2019

How to Change WP Password With FTP (without DB access)

There's going to be a time, where you forget the password, and other series of problems like: Lost your password […]

Thu, 10 Jan 2019

Top 10 Reasons Why Businesses Failed, Every Time!

I got from a business group that I joined. It's a valuable life lesson that entrepreneurs must know. 1. Be a […]

Wed, 09 Jan 2019

WP Debug True - Life Saver

Learning from Errors. define('WP_DEBUG', true);define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false ); I can't stress enough. Turn the Debug mode in […]

Wed, 05 Dec 2018

Copywriting: Between Wants and Needs

I have to admit, I actually learned this from an old guy in Udemy through it's 'preview' course. In the […]

Mon, 03 Dec 2018

The First Year of Doing Web Design Business

Technically, this is not my first year. This is my 12 years of getting paid for what I do. It […]

Malaysia Website Awards