Go Slow To Go Fast.

I spent last week at Langkawi.

I realised one thing. While the people in the city move very impatiently, the people on the island was relaxed.

They drove 50km/h all the time.

No horns were ever heard.

The island at its own pace. Relax and calm.

It dawned on me. "Am I going too fast until I missed the target?"

This reminds me of a passage in Essentialism,

"It's better to move 1mm in one direction than to move 1mm in a million directions."

I look forward to applying that in life.

Relax, the world isn't going anywhere.

A share would be, Sublime.

Hi, I'm Edwin

I'm a multilayer Marketer + Designer that helps businesses get more leads. My core skills are web design, SEO and Copywriting. I work at Web Design, Laman7

How to Read a Book

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Start With Problem, Define It.

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Too Many Good Books, Too Little Time.

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Bye 2021, Hi 2022

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Winning Awards, Should You?

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Keep Clapping Until It's Your Turn

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