Teaching Your Secret Sauce

I went through this contemplation in life, should I teach what I know or show I be buried with it?

If I Teach

My knowledge wouldn't be niche anymore. Others will learn my tricks and start using it to refine their skills and rob the market.

I will may struggle to create value for myself and win the marketplace.

If I Don't Teach

The knowledge will be buried with me. All those experience goes down the drain. I would also lose out on becoming expert.

I may make money from honing my skills ... slowly.

The Realisation

Then I read the Quran, amongst the Creators first few sentence. Read and Teach (Iqra')

Point 2: You get rich by making other rich. Therefore, you shouldn't be hoarding knowledge (and money) for yourself.

Point 3: I'm not okay if all that I've experienced and learn goes to grave with me.

Point 4: Elon Musk opens his pattern for his EV. May not make him from an already rich to richer, but made him gained influence.

Point 5: the Fifth regret in life: "I wish that I had let myself be happier." If you have read "The Courage to be Disliked", happy means useful. – so be useful instead of joyous.


Teach everything I know.

I have been fortunate to live my life as is. Things go my way. And I believe being generous leads you somewhere in life.

InsyaAllah (God Willing)

A share would be, Sublime.

Hi, I'm Edwin

I'm a multilayer Marketer + Designer that helps businesses get more leads. My core skills are web design, SEO and Copywriting. I work at Web Design, Laman7

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